Sex Coaching for Faithful Catholics

Catholic Sex Coaching

Faithfully Catholic and profoundly effective, coaching can help improve your marriage in ways you may find hard to believe. Take the first step in transforming your marriage both in and out of the bedroom.

Catholic intimacy coaching is for you if you feel that your relationship needs:

  • Improved spiritual alignment

  • Better communication and common goals

  • Deeper emotional connection and affection

  • More satisfying sex

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Let women be subject to their husbands, as to the Lord: Because the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the church.

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ also loved the church, and delivered himself up for it.
— Ephesians 5:22-23a & 25

This all started with a three-hour conversation. One night we were talking about all that we had learned in the first year of our marriage and how much more we wish we had learned beforehand. We recognized that despite the learning curve, we had it easier than many of our friends and acquaintances.

James had been a seminarian and was trained in Catholic sexual ethics. Megan was a therapist and had worked professionally with many families. We brought a unique blend of theoretical and practical knowledge about marriage to our wedding day, but there was so much more to learn.

So we started this project with the vision of strengthening Catholic marriages. We wanted to create a safe space for both those who are married or will soon be married, a space where readers can be confident that what they are reading is both theologically and clinically sound.

Over the years this project has grown and touched thousands of couples around the world. We now offer professional coaching and a long list of resources.

We hope that you find our site helpful. May God bless you and your marriage.

Meet the Team

Our friends and coworkers refer to us as the “Dynamic Duo” and that is pretty accurate. This site is just one of many projects that we enjoy working on together.

  • Co-Founder, Coach

    James is a professional Catholic intimacy (relationship & sex) coach and theologian. He holds three degrees in theology from Holy Apostles College and Seminary and has done graduate studies in marriage and family therapy at Capella University. He is certified as an Apprentice in Sexology by the American Board of Sexology. His research interests include Catholic sexual ethics, the female orgasm, trauma, and the sacramentality of the minor orders. He is the translator of Yves Chiron’s Paul VI: The Divided Pope. He also serves in the Army National Guard.

  • Co-Founder, Creative Director

    Mrs. Walther is from Nashville, TN but currently resides in St. Louis, MO with her husband. She received her Bachelor’s in Social Work from Trevecca Nazarene University and her Master’s in Social Work from Southern Adventist University with an emphasis in Trauma and Emergency Management. She has worked in various settings such as foster care, veterans treatment court, intensive outpatient adult case management, safe house for victims of human trafficking, homeless population, and intensive family intervention services. She currently works as an independently licensed Individual Trauma Therapist in Missouri, as well as in a hospital setting.