Making Out with Your Wife

When was the last time that you made out with your wife? Was it the last time that you made love? Was it the last time you had a fight and then could hardly make it to the bedroom in time for some hot makeup sex?

Making out is defined by the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary as “to kiss and touch somebody in a sexual way”. So although modern culture associates it with dating and hooking up, it is the proper domain of us married studs. 

Now you might be thinking that making out is a sort of foreplay and so should be saved for the bedroom, but allow me to blow your mind. LIFE IS FOREPLAY! Think about it: foreplay, from “fore” (before) and “play” is everything that leads towards the marital act. A nice dinner and roses can be a sort of social foreplay. On the right day, all you might need to do is knock out her honey-do list to get her in the mood. 

We men need to remember that our sex hormones can spike very quickly, while girls tend to take longer. The famed manualist Tanquerey literally says “cum multae mulieres sint frigidiores viris [since many women are colder than men]”. It can be tempting for us to want to run straight to the bedroom as soon as the mood hits us and we might be frustrated when our beloved wifes are not so enthusiastic. But we have to ask ourselves: did we do anything to get her warmed up?

The key to good and frequent sex is to foster marital intimacy at all times. Now marriage is the union of two human persons. We are body-soul composites. So, true intimacy must include our emotions and intellects, just as much as our physical union. One way that we can do that is by frequent small acts of affection. This lets them know that they are on our minds and we desire them even when sex is not the immediate next step.


Make out with your wife at least once a day. Start today. Once she has gotten over the initial shock of such daily attention, spice it up! Catch her off guard while she is doing dishes, cooking, or her hair. Swat her tail, (gently!) grab a handful of her hair, plant a wet one on her. If she is into that, slip her some tongue. Just ten to thirty seconds of that a day is a great way to keep her hot and bothered, just waiting for you to initiate. Think of your daily makeout sessions as the pilot light on a gas stove. Keep the pilot on and then all you have to do is turn up the heat when the time is right.

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James Walther, MA, ABS

James is a professional Catholic intimacy (relationship & sex) coach and theologian. He holds three degrees in theology from Holy Apostles College and Seminary and has done graduate studies in marriage and family therapy at Capella University. He is an EMT and ABS certified sexologist. His research interests include Catholic sexual ethics, the female orgasm, trauma, and the sacramentality of the minor orders. He is the translator of Yves Chiron’s Paul VI: The Divided Pope. He also serves in the Army National Guard.

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