Other Than the Ideal: Obstacles to Marital Intimacy
While this online forum is not intended to meet every need for everybody, it is intended to be a safe space that provides some resources for those who need it. So, I thought I would make a small and nowhere near exhaustive list about what kind of couple might find our resources and the products offered by our affiliates helpful. The kinds of couples that have reached out to discuss their issues are not few and far between. They could be the couple sitting next to you at Mass. They could be your neighbor or your cousin. There are many couples that fall outside of the ideal. These are for them.
Reasons to wear lingerie-
self-esteem or body image concerns
scarring after surgery or traumatic event
colostomy bag
sensory issues stemming from Autism Spectrum Disorder or OCD or others, etc.
Reasons to use lubricant-
Sensory issues
Reduce the risk of urinary tract infection
Reduces the risk of injury such as tearing
Vaginal dryness
Vaginal dryness can be caused by:
Endometriosis medications
Allergy medicine/antihistamines
Cancer treatment
Scented or perfumed soaps around your vagina
Chronic yeast infections
Reasons to use a cockring-
Newlywed/virgin in order to last long enough to attempt to please your new spouse
Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction can be caused by:
Heart disease
High cholesterol
Mental Health conditions such as depression or anxiety
Reasons to use a vibrator-
Scientific evidence suggests that vibrators increase natural lubrication if you’re struggling with vaginal dryness
Sensory issues
Trauma/sexual abuse
Cerebral palsy
Delirium tremors
Multiple sclerosis
Tardive dyskinesia
Tourette’s Syndrome
Limb amputations and birth defects
Many of the conditions listed above affect your muscle control, meaning it would not be possible to sustain the speed and length of time needed with your hand/fingers for a woman to achieve orgasm.
Some of these conditions, depending on severity, might warrant complete or temporary abstinence; however, assuming that there is no permanent impotency prior to marriage, which would invalidate the marriage, these conditions are simply obstacles which can usually be overcome with the right techniques, tools, and/or therapy.
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