Marital Lubricants: Morality and Efficacy
For Couples James Walther, MA, ABS For Couples James Walther, MA, ABS

Marital Lubricants: Morality and Efficacy

Please forgive the click bait title. It has come to my attention that some people think that artificial marital lubrication (sex lube) is somehow or other intrinsically evil or is only meant for immoral practices. Hopefully this article will set the record straight and set pious minds at ease.

Back Story

As is now public knowledge, we struggle with infertility. That has led to lots of time talking with Megan’s OB/GYN. One of the things that we quickly learned was that for couples like us, lubes may be medically recommended, but that not all lubes are created equal. A lube that seems safe (non-spermicidal) might be so thick that sperm can hardly swim in it. That has led to lots of research on this topic and was one of the reasons that we were inspired to launch Catholic Intimacy. We would rather spare other young Catholic couples the frustration of trying to be open to life and yet inadvertently self-sabotaging.

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Intimacy Amidst Infertility
For Couples Megan Walther, LCSW For Couples Megan Walther, LCSW

Intimacy Amidst Infertility

Of course he wanted to jump in and rescue me from myself, and assure me I shouldn’t feel that way, but I needed to give it to God. James’s reassurance was a band-aid to a much deeper issue that I felt like I should be in charge of my own timeline and I didn’t trust that the Lord would fulfill his promises to me.

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