Two Weeks to Valentine’s Day: Make it Meaningful for Your Marriage
For Couples James Walther, MA, ABS For Couples James Walther, MA, ABS

Two Weeks to Valentine’s Day: Make it Meaningful for Your Marriage

As Valentine’s Day approaches, it’s the perfect time to focus on nurturing the sacred bond of love and intimacy in your marriage. This celebration of love is an opportunity to reflect on the beauty of your union, deepen your connection, and honor God in your relationship. At Catholic Intimacy, we’re here to help you make this Valentine’s Day meaningful, romantic, and spiritually fulfilling.

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Buy the Stinking Roses
For Husbands James Walther, MA, ABS For Husbands James Walther, MA, ABS

Buy the Stinking Roses

How quickly can we burn through $7? Coffee, soda, snacks, beer, etc. many of us might spend $7 on our way to or from work without hardly thinking about it. Now if it’s a choice between feeding your kids and buying roses, then I’m not saying to neglect your kids. But if you have some discretionary funds, treat your spouse to something special every now and then. When you stop for that coffee, skip the snacks and buy a rose. 

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Heightening Your Senses: Introducing Blindfolds to the Bedroom
For Couples James Walther, MA, ABS For Couples James Walther, MA, ABS

Heightening Your Senses: Introducing Blindfolds to the Bedroom

Have you ever noticed how when you cannot see all of your other senses seem heightened? Our brains can only process so much input, so they are forced to selectively prioritize sensations. By removing input from one sense, we allow others to take center stage. Think about enjoying the first sip of a fine wine or first bite of exquisite chocolate. We often instinctively close our eyes and focus our attention on our sense of taste.

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Sexy Body, Sexy Mind
For Couples Megan Walther, LCSW For Couples Megan Walther, LCSW

Sexy Body, Sexy Mind

There are two types of people in the world. One who experiences desire by seeing a hot bod and getting turned on, and the other who has to have a mental connection to be turned on.

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