Take the Life Ring!

Although the rates are lower than the general population, Catholics do get divorced. Far more live for years and even the rest of their lives in unhappy marriages. For many couples, including those who would say that their marriage is strong, sex is a point of division rather than unity. This can come from a variety of factors. There may be sexual trauma, sex may be painful, there may be a fear of getting pregnant, there may be emotional or physical abuse or neglect. For some couples, sex is a bargaining chip or a manipulation tool.

It doesn’t have to be this way!

Catholic Intimacy was founded with the vision of strengthening Catholic marriages. By the grace of God, we are succeeding in that mission. We have helped many couples already and new couples are coming to us daily.

This One

There is a story* about an old man walking along the seashore. He comes across a little boy searching for starfish in the sand. Each time the little boy finds one that is still alive, he throws it as hard as he can back into the sea. The old man watches this with curiosity for a bit before finally asking the little boy what he is doing. The boy replies, saying that the tide is going out and if they stay on the beach, they will die. The old man considers this for a moment and then points out to the little boy that the task is unsurmountable. There are simply too many starfish on the beach for him to save them all and in any case, the tide will come back in again and wash more ashore. He can’t win. The little boy simply shrugged, picked up another one, threw it into the surf, and replied, “It mattered to this one.”

Measuring Success

How do you measure success for such a daunting task as “strengthening Catholic marriages” in this day and age? We measure it one couple at a time. Going through all the controversy, hate-mail, loss of friends because of this ministry, I was bemoaning the burden to a friend. He asked, “If you could only save one marriage, would you do it again?” I looked at Megan and I could see in her eyes that we were on the same page. I look back and replied, “Yes.”

What about you?

How are we helping you? How are we helping your marriage? What can we do to meet your needs?

Our Life Ring for You

Over the years, we have created and gathered an ever-growing list of resources. Our most successful one, without a doubt, is our Catholic Intimacy Coaching. If your marriage is washed up on the beach or drowning in the surf, I invite you to allow me to give you a hand. Schedule your free coaching discovery call today.

James Walther, MA, ABS

James is a professional Catholic intimacy (relationship & sex) coach and theologian. He holds three degrees in theology from Holy Apostles College and Seminary and has done graduate studies in marriage and family therapy at Capella University. He is an EMT and ABS certified sexologist. His research interests include Catholic sexual ethics, the female orgasm, trauma, and the sacramentality of the minor orders. He is the translator of Yves Chiron’s Paul VI: The Divided Pope. He also serves in the Army National Guard.


NFP and Intimacy