Can Catholics Have Sex During the Wife’s Menstrual Period?
For Couples James Walther, MA, ABS For Couples James Walther, MA, ABS

Can Catholics Have Sex During the Wife’s Menstrual Period?

Historically, it was believed that children conceived during the menstrual period were usually, if not always, afflicted with blindness, lameness, leprosy, etc. Saint Thomas Aquinas writes that this ban was in place, not only for the ceremonial reason, but also because of the harm that would befall the children conceived.

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Justice & Chastity: The Marriage Debt
For Couples James Walther, MA, ABS For Couples James Walther, MA, ABS

Justice & Chastity: The Marriage Debt

In our modern, independent, self-centered world, the idea of another person having rights over someone else’s body is likely to elicit ideas of enslavement and abuse. It will likely come as a shock to many married Catholics that their marriage vows formed a contract by which they gave their spouse a right to sexual intercourse with them. This right to the marital act is called the marital debt (debitum nuptiale). Now whenever we are talking about a debt we are talking about something that pertains to the virtue of justice. If I have something that belongs to you and you ask for it, then in justice I am obligated to give it to you. So when we talk about paying the marriage debt, we are talking about fulfilling a duty in justice.

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