Porn Sex vs. Marital Intercourse
For Couples James Walther, MA, ABS For Couples James Walther, MA, ABS

Porn Sex vs. Marital Intercourse

For anyone who has seen pornography and marital intercourse, this should be pretty obvious: porn sex is nothing like marital intercourse. Unfortunately, pornography is everywhere these days and it is practically impossible to make it to adulthood without seeing some of it. Thus, I feel that it is necessary to bring this up for those who may be confused, especially those young men and women who are hoping to be married one day. Feel free to share this article with them.

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Bad Sex: How to Stop Having It
For Couples James Walther, MA, ABS For Couples James Walther, MA, ABS

Bad Sex: How to Stop Having It

So the majority of my clients come to me with one goal in mind: stop having bad sex. Now what makes sex bad looks different for each couple, but by and large the number one reason is that the wife just doesn’t enjoy it. I can help with that. There is no good reason to settle for bad sex.

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Best Basic Sex Positions
For Couples James Walther, MA, ABS For Couples James Walther, MA, ABS

Best Basic Sex Positions

One of the most common areas that I address with new sex coaching clients is positions. Not all positions work for all clients. For example, I have had a client with partial paralysis who could only use one position, so in their case I just taught them how to use it more effectively. But most of my clients benefit from having 2-4 go-to positions. Here are some of the best ones.

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Sexual Intimacy for the Elderly
For Couples James Walther, MA, ABS For Couples James Walther, MA, ABS

Sexual Intimacy for the Elderly

Sexual intimacy is a beautiful and meaningful aspect of life that transcends age. For the elderly, engaging in sexual intimacy can bring a renewed sense of closeness and connection with their spouse. While physical changes may occur with age, such as decreased libido or physical limitations, emotional intimacy remains a vital source of intimacy for the elderly. It is important to acknowledge and address any concerns or challenges related to sexual intimacy in this stage of life, seeking professional guidance if necessary. With open communication, patience, and understanding, couples can find ways to continue nurturing their bond through sexual intimacy, ensuring that their love and connection remain strong and fulfilling throughout their golden years.

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Can sex be meritorious?
For Couples James Walther, MA, ABS For Couples James Walther, MA, ABS

Can sex be meritorious?

When sex comes up in Catholic circles it is usually as something immoral (fornication, adultery, etc.) or as that fun thing that married couples do to make babies. It is much rarer to hear anyone say that sex can be meritorious. It’s as though most Catholics believe that even within the bonds of marriage sex is morally tolerated, i.e. a fault or morally indifferent, but not something that is pleasing to God. Let’s look more closely at what makes an act meritorious or sinful to better understand the marital act and what that means for our moral lives.

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