Response: Stripper Fantasy?
From a reader: Is it a sin to have a fantasy of my wife as a stripper? Is it sinful for my wife to strip for me with the end being intercourse?
Sexual Intimacy for the Elderly
Sexual intimacy is a beautiful and meaningful aspect of life that transcends age. For the elderly, engaging in sexual intimacy can bring a renewed sense of closeness and connection with their spouse. While physical changes may occur with age, such as decreased libido or physical limitations, emotional intimacy remains a vital source of intimacy for the elderly. It is important to acknowledge and address any concerns or challenges related to sexual intimacy in this stage of life, seeking professional guidance if necessary. With open communication, patience, and understanding, couples can find ways to continue nurturing their bond through sexual intimacy, ensuring that their love and connection remain strong and fulfilling throughout their golden years.
Can Catholics Have Sex During the Wife’s Menstrual Period?
Historically, it was believed that children conceived during the menstrual period were usually, if not always, afflicted with blindness, lameness, leprosy, etc. Saint Thomas Aquinas writes that this ban was in place, not only for the ceremonial reason, but also because of the harm that would befall the children conceived.
Addressing Conflict in Marriage
The good news is that when you practice healthy conflict, you can have healthy conflict and these patterns of behavior don’t have to continue or define your relationship.
Respecting the No
So in the moment, do we swallow our pride and accept the no, trusting that our husband has the best interest of the household in mind and it can be discussed later for some understanding, or do we fight back and attempt to emasculate our husband’s role as head of household, interfering with the good work the Lord is doing in Him to lead your household?
Is Sex During Lent Sinful?
Right before Lent, both Megan and I noticed a little buzz in various Catholic Facebook groups about whether or not Catholics are allowed to have sex during Lent, on feast days, or fast days. It seems that most married couples understand that there are currently no formal Church disciplines concerning this matter, but some did seem sincerely confused as to the current practice.
Buy the Stinking Roses
How quickly can we burn through $7? Coffee, soda, snacks, beer, etc. many of us might spend $7 on our way to or from work without hardly thinking about it. Now if it’s a choice between feeding your kids and buying roses, then I’m not saying to neglect your kids. But if you have some discretionary funds, treat your spouse to something special every now and then. When you stop for that coffee, skip the snacks and buy a rose.
Pius XI on the Greatness of Marriage
How great a boon of God this is, and how great a blessing of matrimony is clear from a consideration of man's dignity and of his sublime end. For man surpasses all other visible creatures by the superiority of his rational nature alone.
Heightening Your Senses: Introducing Blindfolds to the Bedroom
Have you ever noticed how when you cannot see all of your other senses seem heightened? Our brains can only process so much input, so they are forced to selectively prioritize sensations. By removing input from one sense, we allow others to take center stage. Think about enjoying the first sip of a fine wine or first bite of exquisite chocolate. We often instinctively close our eyes and focus our attention on our sense of taste.
Vatican II on Marriage and the Family
Through this union they experience the meaning of their oneness and attain to it with growing perfection day by day. As a mutual gift of two persons, this intimate union and the good of the children impose total fidelity on the spouses and argue for an unbreakable oneness between them.
Pius XII on Pleasure
The same Creator, Who in His bounty and wisdom willed to make use of the work of man and woman, by uniting them in matrimony, for the preservation and propagation of the human race, has also decreed that in this function the parties should experience pleasure and happiness of body and spirit. Husband and wife, therefore, by seeking and enjoying this pleasure do no wrong whatever. They accept what the Creator has destined for them.
Exodus 90: A Reset
Exodus 90 is a 90-day spiritual exercise for men. It was created to call men out of slavery and to God. The three pillars of Exodus 90 are prayer, asceticism, and fraternity. It seems that if you mention Exodus 90 in a crowd of Catholic men, they all know it as that program where you can't drink and you have to take cold showers. Yep, that's the one!
Sexy Body, Sexy Mind
There are two types of people in the world. One who experiences desire by seeing a hot bod and getting turned on, and the other who has to have a mental connection to be turned on.
Other Than the Ideal: Obstacles to Marital Intimacy
While this online forum is not intended to meet every need for everybody, it is intended to be a safe space that provides some resources for those who need it.
Stress and Intimacy: A Christmas Cocktail
Christmas is one of the most joyful times of the year. It is one of the most important liturgical seasons, being that in which we celebrate the Nativity of Our Lord. It can also be one of the most stressful times of the year. Now stress on a marriage can be in two forms: internal and external. Internal stresses are those between the couple themselves, while external are all those arising from children, family, friends, work, etc. These stresses are innumerable and come in varying degrees.
Festal Roses: The Marital State and Sanctity
As Catholics, every moment of our day, every part of our lives should be imbued with our Faith. There is never an inappropriate time to think of pious and holy things. Every room in our homes should have a crucifix and pious images. We should live ever in the presence of God and His Blessed Mother. Nor is there ever an inappropriate time to pray. The greatest saints live in a sort of constant state of prayer, known as the unitive way.
Awaiting the Immaculate Conception: Tears before the Feast
Pius tradition tells us that Mary’s parents, Saints Joachim and Anna, were elderly and had been struck with infertility. I say struck because infertility was seen in the Old Covenant as a mark of God’s displeasure. As is always the case, the Cross must be carried before the glory of the Resurrection. The greater the cross, the greater the glory. As with Sarah, Hannah, the parents of Saint John the Baptist and others, this was not a punishment. Rather, God was asking them to carry a great cross for a long time, holding on to hope.
The Moral Permissibility of Marital Aids, Oral and Anal Stimulation
Can Catholics do oral sex? Can Catholics do anal sex? Can Catholics use sex toys?
If you found this site because you did an internet search for one of those questions and want a short answer then here it is: it depends on what you mean by those terms.
In my experience working with families, I’ve seen pride be the root of a lot of arguments that were unnecessary. Both parties believe they know best or can do best, and it starts an argument about who is right and who is wrong. Afterwards, we typically don’t even remember what we were so angry about, because the actual thing didn’t matter all that much- our pride did. And it can become really easy to lose sight of the fact that you are both on the same team. You are both working towards the same goal- the good of the family. You just have different perspectives and viewpoints of the right way to bring good to the family.
The Marital Act, Cardinal Rule, and Pleasure Principles
“In necessary things unity, in doubtful matters freedom, in all things charity.” Augustine
As Humanae Vitae teaches, “it is necessary that each and every marriage act remain ordered per se to the procreation of human life.” Following the example of Dr. Popcak, I have referred to this as the One Rule. Now, however, I prefer to refer to this as the “Cardinal Rule”. I have this preference because a cardinal rule is a rule upon which others depend, not to the exclusion of other rules. Calling the rule that every marital act must be open to procreation the “One Rule” gives the unfortunate impression that there are no other rules.